Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Our precious little sunshine!

Freezing temperatures and strong winds, made us stay inside the whole day and then what to do... well get on the floor and play with V is one activity. Doing boring household chores is another... Here's a typical day in my Monday-Friday housewife life:
07.00 Rise and shine as V is wide awake and eager to start the day
-8.30 Playtime on the floor or in the Jumparoo
8.30-9.00 V's Breakfast
9.00-9.30 My Breakfast while V is playing on her own
9.30-10-ish Playing with V
10-ish V's napping time and my two hours of getting things done start....
Noon-ish V wakes up
12.30 Prepare lunch for V
-13.30 Lunch for the two of us
14.00-15.30 More playing, running errands or if the weather is nice just taking a stroll outside
15.30-16.30 Nap #2
16.30-ish V is getting meal # 3 of the day; välling, cereal or mashed banana or anything else equally yummie!
-18.00 Some more playing...
18.00 Bath time!
18.30 More playing.....
19.00-ish M is usually coming home at this hour.... Preparing the välling (formula), feeding #4 and V is getting ready for bed
19.30-20.00 V is hitting the sack
20.00-21.00 Prepare dinner/eat,
21.30-22.30 Browsing Internet, watch TV and usually fall asleep in the sofa ....
Exciting, eh?

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