Freezing temperatures and strong winds, made us stay inside the whole day and then what to do... well get on the floor and play with V is one activity. Doing boring household chores is another... Here's a typical day in my Monday-Friday housewife life:
07.00 Rise and shine as V is wide awake and eager to start the day
-8.30 Playtime on the floor or in the Jumparoo
8.30-9.00 V's Breakfast
9.00-9.30 My Breakfast while V is playing on her own
9.30-10-ish Playing with V
10-ish V's napping time and my two hours of getting things done start....
Noon-ish V wakes up
12.30 Prepare lunch for V
-13.30 Lunch for the two of us
14.00-15.30 More playing, running errands or if the weather is nice just taking a stroll outside
15.30-16.30 Nap #2
16.30-ish V is getting meal # 3 of the day; välling, cereal or mashed banana or anything else equally yummie!
-18.00 Some more playing...
18.00 Bath time!
18.30 More playing.....
19.00-ish M is usually coming home at this hour.... Preparing the välling (formula), feeding #4 and V is getting ready for bed
19.30-20.00 V is hitting the sack
20.00-21.00 Prepare dinner/eat,
21.30-22.30 Browsing Internet, watch TV and usually fall asleep in the sofa ....
Exciting, eh?
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