Thursday, February 15, 2007


Went shopping today and could'nt resist these beautiful tulips! After all it is Valentine's day and if I should get any flowers today, I obviously had to get them myself:-)

Our driveway after the first shuffling round out of four today!

Phu.... It has been snowing all night and most of the day and in total I think we have got about 40-50 cm of snow. With the man in house gone, I just had to bite the dust and get out there doing the shuffling myself - over and over again! And with no one to look after V I had to do it during her naps. But looking at the result - I'm pretty damn proud! Days like this I wish our garage wasn't totally jammed with garden furnitures, garden tools, paint jars etc. It would have been nice to actually have the car in there.....

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