Saturday, October 21, 2006

Linda and Gabriella.
Gabriella is 6 weeks older than V, and hopefully they will be very good friends once they understand they can actually play with each other.

Linda, her daugther Gabriella and the Swedish priest, Anna Runesson.

Me and V....who is asleep in the stroller. Also in the picture, cutie Amelia 16 months:-)
Yesterday (Thursday) my friend Linda J and I went to the children's song group at the Swedish church. Every Thursday a bunch of Swedish mommies and their children gather to let the kids blow off some steam and to chat and have a "fika"....and of course sing all the swedish child songs like; Blinka lilla stjärna, Min hatt, I ett skog vid skogens slut, Imse vimse spindel etc. Linda and I agreed on that we need to practice.... :-)

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